For best results, start young calves with new Milk Bar™ Teats fitted at the bottom of the feeder.
After 2 - 3 weeks, you may notice calves are drinking a little quicker, or that the teats are maybe starting to drip a little. When this happens, transition the teats to the top holes and insert the tubes.
Use the blanking plugs to seal the bottom holes.
After weaning, replace the worn teats with new Milk Bar™ Teats, wash the plugs and tubes and you are ready for the next group.
It is important to use fresh, new teats for the new calves to achieve the correct drinking speed for good health.
Milk Bar™ Ad Lib feeders come fitted with a transparent lid so you can check the milk volume without removing the lid.
How do I insert the tubes?
Put the ends of the tubes in a bucket of hot water to soften them.
While the tubes are softening, insert the Milk Bar Teats into the top row of holes.
When the tubes are soft, insert them firmly into the back of the teat. As the tube cools, it will maintain a firm fit.
How do I change my teats?
Milk Bar™ Teats have a pull through design to sit snugly against the feeder wall for optimum hygiene. However, while this is the most hygienic system, it can also be difficult to change teats!
Use a Teat Tool: This is by far the easiest method. The purpose designed Teat Tool plucks the teat from the feeder with minimal effort in seconds.
Pull the teats out by hand: When removing by hand, make sure to either pull the teat directly down or up. If you try to pull the teat straight out, it will be a tough job!
Cut the teats out: Make sure the blade is sharp and you use the knife away from you.
Be sure to check the teat alignment is correct and the slit is vertical!