The Calf Buddy™ 5 can be used for many uses from training to Ad Lib systems.
When to change the teats
Teat management is a critical part of a smooth calf rearing operation. As the teat ages, the rubber softens and the 'bounce back' is reduced. The impacts the teats ability to control the milk flow and activtate the suckling action.
Worn, fast flowing teats can't produce healthy calves!
You might notice that when you buy a new feeder, the calves look really good, the teats look ok, so you don't worry about changing them. The second group of calves don't look as good as the first and probably start to cross suckle and some nutritional diarrhoea starts occuring. You might think this is because of some weather changes or something, but it is the teats!
Calf Buddy™ Teats control the flow for around 120 feeds or around 9 weeks when used twice a day.
Best practise is to have one feeder per pen. Not only does this drastically reduce your time, but makes teat management super easy.
New calves = New Teats. When those calves are weaned, remove the worn teats and insert new for the next calves.
Attach the Hooks
The Calf Buddy™ 5 Hooks are height and handle adjustable for the perfect custom fit on your farm.
- Measure the height of your rails
- Attach the hook to the feeder body using the height indicator.
- Attach the Swivel Handle to the hook depending on the type or rail you have.
- Feed the calves!